Dark Become Art Of Body PaintingEven though you may be good at every artwork you ever produce, your audience of potential purchasers/collectors will likely identify you with a particular subject, a color, a style, a medium, a method of presentation, etc. Show a lot of whatever you enjoy doing the most and a lot of what seems to be connecting with folks the most. A bunch of random paintings of various subject matter with no distinctive style or color pallet in cheap mis-matched frames will not likely hold a potential buyer's attention for long, even if the paintings are good. A hodge-podge of sculptures that look like they were made by ten different sculptors will not likely enhance your reputation. This randomness does not help to identify what you are all about. I'm not advocating that you never try anything new or experimental, but you must make your art memorable to gain any kind of following. Consistency is the key. Look at the work of some of the more successful artists that you admire. What ties their work together and identifies it as their own? Subject matter or theme, style (the way they paint or sculpt), choice of colors used, size, framing? Any and all of these characteristics may apply. Don't copy their work, but learn from it. If you are doing work that connects with an audience, folks will seek you out to buy your art, even after the show is over. It's happened to me many times.
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